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Month: September 2016

Mysteries From the Foredeck

Mysteries From the Foredeck

(Author’s Note: This column first appeared in the September 2016 edition of Freshwater News.  If you’ve ever wondered what makes those guys on the pointy end tick, well, this may not answer the question.  But hopefully it will bring a little entertainment to your day.  Because that’s what those crazies up there do for me.  Bowmen (and women) of the sailing world, I salute you! I’ll be the first to admit that I work the foredeck when I’m required to,…

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Hey Brother, Can You Spare $72,000?

Hey Brother, Can You Spare $72,000?

Published November 2014 in Freshwater News Author’s Note: Do you dream of racing around the world, but figure you’ll never make a Volvo crew?  Then maybe the Clipper Round The World Yacht Race is for you.  It gave me the opportunity to dream, even if my bank account didn’t.  Enjoy! Many of my friends, to say nothing of my ever-patient wife, have often heard me pine that, were I 20 years younger and about 100 times the sailor I am,…

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