About This Blog

About This Blog

66075_1574590938598_8334637_nI’ve been a writer for many years.  I’ve also been a sailor for many years.  And for many years, many friends have encouraged me to combine the two.  Then along came Freshwater News, and they asked me to do just that, with a monthly column that eventually became known as “Broad Reachings” (and isn’t THAT a clever name?!?).

Well, friends and fellow rag boaters kept asking for copies of Broad Reachings.  I finally got motivated, put down my rum and tonic, and got to work on this blog.  And here, gentle reader, it now lies before you.  I hope you enjoy everything here, and feel free to comment (just keep it clean, you never know when your infant son or daughter might be reading).


Eric Rouzee